Tag Archives: mommy

Book review – Sentenced to Life!

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The Novel

Great read! Easy to follow and well written! Kay Baker did a great job with this book! It will keep you reading and wanting more! Look forward to more books from Kay!

Kathy Williams looked every part the successful career woman. At a time when women were just emerging into high-profile jobs, she had it all—an impressive title, a wonderful husband, beautiful children, a good home. But it was all just a façade.In reality, her salary wasn’t enough to maintain her family’s comfortable lifestyle, and they had to keep up with the Joneses, after all. As director of investment banking for AMA Global Investments in Manhattan, New York, she had access to clients’ funds, what amounted to millions of dollars.Opportunity was in her hands; the door was wide open for financial gain. She gave in to temptation, to the devil’s whisperings. Just a few dollars won’t hurt. They won’t even notice. They have millions of dollars in their account. They don’t even know what to do with their money.Taking a little here and a little there and moving some numbers around, Kathy was able to pad her own salary. But it wasn’t long before she was caught and sentenced to eleven years in prison. Realizing how far she had fallen from grace, Kathy turned to Christ, asking forgiveness for her sins.

Sentenced to Life is Kathy’s story of how she fell into temptation but was able to overcome challenges in her life and ultimately find peace and victory over her own lustful desires and misguided actions through a close relationship with Christ.

Be sure to go to the website and order your copy today!

Review by Traci Davis – Author of The Momma Guide!

Ever think you could wear luck?

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You can wear Luck and more!!

Women always put everyone in their life first. WEAR LUCK is clothing that reminds women to do something for yourself. Wish it! Wear it! LIVE IT!!

Team TKD — knows that YOU are important and all Momma’s need time to be themselves and not loose themselves in their family! Well we found a shirt company that can help us even more with that goal!! WEAR LUCK!!

WEAR LUCK is clothing line that restoes balance in a woman’s life! WEAR LUCK has 9 ways for you to strengthen your core. Take our test and figure out what is out of balance in your life: Creativity, Romance, Health, Confidence, Fame, Career, Wisdom, Family and Prosperity.

These shirts are the most comfortable shirt you will ever wear! and Do they bring you luck? Well if luck is a state of mind then yes!! Team TKD highly recommends Wear Luck!! Be sure to follow them on Facebook and tell them we sent you!!

In my book The Momma Guide – we tell moms how important that “Mom time” can be! When you feel good in what you wear it makes that Mom Time all the better!! So as an author of Momma Self-help and a team member I say get you a shirt today!! You will be glad you did!! Traci Davis ~  The Go To Momma

Team TKD at the Run with the Bluebonnets 5k in Bastrop, TX – with our Luck on!!

Carry it with you!

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Not pockets on those fitness clothes?

No Problem! With the Go Caddy you can carry a water bottle, power bar, snacks, cash, ID and more! This “tote” is great for any fitness event, hiking, running, biking or even use traveling. The Go Caddy is light weight and will not weigh you down! Team TKD – loves The Go Caddy! Whether you are running a Marathon or trying to get into shape or back into shape then be sure to try The Go Caddy!

During workouts and anytime thru the day you want to be sure to stay hydrated but it is not always easy! With the Go Caddy you can pack your water everywhere! Keep your hands free to take pictures or keep all your small items together easily!

Our team is always wondering where to keep our keys while we run. The fitness gear we wear is slim line and most do not have pockets. The Go Caddy is a great tote for all our needs and we know it will great for you too!! In many colors to choose from so we know you will find the right color for you!

Be sure to go to The Go Caddy website and find a retailer near you!

Reviewed by Team TKD! — If you have a fitness product you would like more exposure for be sure to let us know! We would love to check it out!


Journal your food and fitness!

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Positive Portions…

We could all use this book.  

Just like our Team TKD — we love fitness and this book can help keep you running like we do and becoming a positive light in your own life and those around you. Team TKD loves anything that gets people moving! Especially momma’s!! Positive Portions can help you get that boost and motivation. Momma’s lives are hectic and I know what you are thinking, now I have to keep track of what I eat and the activity’s I do!! Yes you do!! To help you along your journey and keep going then you do! You will be glad you did!!

Like I tell friends all the time, that say I do not have time, well you do not have time not to. This is your health and you need to keep it in check. Proper diet and exercise WILL HELP YOU! You will have more energy thru your day when you start it right. Being over weight and poor diet can cause fatigue, stress and more. Eating right and exercise will give you energy and stamina! Write it down and stick with it you will be glad you did!

Be sure to go to Shannon’s website, she has a great book that will help you with your goals! Be sure to read her story it is great!!

By Traci Davis


Super Momma!!

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Are you trying to be supermomma but end up feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and unappreciated. Then it may be a good time to rethink things.  Momma’s are the world’s best jugglers: family, work, money—they seem to do it all. Us Mommas need to remember we do not have super hero powers and we do need a break from time to time.

Traci Davis and Daughters Laurel & Taylor
Traci Davis and Daughters Laurel & Taylor

Momma responsibilities and tasks at home can often be done or shared by other members in the family. This is also a great way to teach the kids lessons on house work and maybe even about allowances.

Get the family involved by making a “To do” list for everyone in your family. If you have young children or babies, who are not able to help at this time, ask your husband to pitch in. Single moms, can join other single moms to set up a buddy system to help out with tasks like helping each other with grocery shopping or watching each others children. Trading on and off really helps. Even knowing you have someone you can go talk to and let your kids play together can really help.

Take time for yourself. Mommas often put their family needs first and neglect their own. Ask a friend or family member (even hire someone) to help  with the children. Pampering yourself, even just a small pampering like taking a long relaxing bath, listening to your favorite music, taking a long nature walk, reading a book, getting a massage and pedicure or having a girls night out with your friends. An hour at the gym can even help relieve stress and make your bottom line look better. Take a drive by yourself down a road you have never driven. A few minutes a day or even a few each week can make your time with your husband and kids so much more enjoyable.

Your house does not have to be perfectly clean, so do not beat yourself up if it is not. If you are unable to attend every school/sporting activity and event. Realizing that being a wonderful mom isn’t about being perfect, it’s about showing your child love and teaching them what they need to know to become responsible adults, will make life so much better.

Prioritizing what is important and getting those things done will be easier by keeping to an organized schedule. If you miss something, don’t let it worry you. You will get it done, and if you do not let it go. Enjoy life and especially the small stuff. Cherish your time you have to yourself and with your family!

Written by Traci Davis :co-author of “The Momma Guide”   – selfhelp book for all parents


BeachBody And P90X, Insanity, Rev Abs And Brazilian Butt!!

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Thanks for visiting! Make sure to sign up for a Free Team Beachbody Account to get support, to help keep you motivated, and to gain access to free tools to keep you on track with your fitness & health goals. You’ll also get a great Beachbody Coach!

Hope this finds everyone ready to change your life! My name is Traci Davis. I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  That means I get to have fun and help people get fit and healthy while I improve my own health and fitness.

I have had a huge amount of success using beachbody fitness programs and nutritional products and I use them on a daily basis to get fit and healthy. Beachbody is a very successful fitness company that produces some very popular in-home fitness programs such as P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, Slim in 6, 10 Minute Trainer, TurboFire, Rev Abs, Chalean Extreme and more. The products work and I love sharing them with family and friends.

When you sign up as a Beachbody Coach, there is great benefits ~ you get a 25% discount on all Beachbody products and you are able to run an easy home based business. The 25% discount is great and it will save you a ton of cash. The whole Beachbody Coach concept came to life as a result of the huge success Beachbody customers were having with the fitness programs. They were getting such great results that their friends, family, and co-workers were asking them what they were doing to get in such great shape. They were telling them about the program they were doing and directing them to Beachbody. Beachbody decided to create the Coach program to help reward people for sharing their experience with the programs and nutritional products.

I have been a Beachbody Coach since June of 2009. I had such great success with P90X, my friends and family were all asking about what I was doing.  Being a coach has definitely paid off because I earn commissions  monthly just by talking to my friends and family. As I going into the program people keep noticing my fitness changes and they all ask what I am doing to get into shape.

You do not have to be fitness buff or expert to be a Coach.  Just tell people about your experiences and results with the programs and get people to your website that Beachbody creates  (see my website).

Beachbody’s Coach program is truly for anyone. Some people sign up just for the 25% discount, some sign up for the business, and some sign up for both the business and the discount. If you are just signing up for the business, than I still highly encourage you to get on a workout program and use the nutritional products.  Like Shakeology! The people who are the most successful Coaches are the ones who become a “product of the product” and use them daily. As you start to see results from the programs, people will begin coming up to you to ask what you’re doing to get in shape.

I have people ask me about p90x all the time as they have heard I was doing it! Most people have seen the infomercial and know about P90X from that!  I just tell them about my results, and I talk about the programs, the Coaching opportunity, or both. I then simply hand them one of my business cards and and follow up with them in a few days. It really is as simple as that. You don’t have to go out and do the business. The business goes with you. Beachbody spends over $100 million+ a year on infomercials so you get to take advantage of the huge brand awareness. You’ll find that about 9 out of 10 people have heard of P90X or Insanity from a friend who has had awesome results from the programs or they have seen one of the infomercials on TV.

You should sign up as Coach at the very least as a commitment to yourself to get into shape with the Beachbody programs.  So many people  fail at going to the gym.  P90X is cheaper then most membership fees anyhow! The reason being is that most people don’t have the knowledge or experience necessary to create a fitness program that they can do and continue to do and see results.  Beachbody is a complete solution to fitness, nutrition, and health. The programs take all of the guess work out of what we should eat, what exercises we should do, what our workout schedule should be, etc. What if you don’t make a single dime as a Beachbody Coach, but you got into awesome shape? Wouldn’t it still be worth it? I definitely think so!  The very worst thing that could happen to you is that you simply save money on the products you buy to improve your health and fitness.

Ok, so you’re probably now wondering how do you get paid as a Coach? You get a 25% commission when people buy products from you, and you will also earn bonuses when Coaches you sponsor buy or sell products. The Beachbody Compensation Plan is fairly simple. Once you sign up as a Coach I can teach you how to maximize your earnings.

Traci Davis ~ Fitness Coach with BeachBody!!

Check out great products from Beachbody fitness!! p90X is my favorite!! http://www.TexasFitCoach.com

make me your coach or buddy today!!

http://www.facebook.com/tanyerhide for more info with health and tighening the loose skin during and after wieght loss!!

Would you like to make money just for WORKING OUT?

If BEACHBODY can work for me it can work for YOU!

I LOVE P90X and INSANITY workouts and have great results with them!! I have lost over 75lbs and still going!! You can too!! And I will help you!!
Transformation Story

Growing up I had always fought my weight. I have always liked working out but at times had trouble fitting it in my life. I came to realize that I had to make time for it! Not even realizing how bad it had gotten until I saw a picture of myself, WOW! Wanting to be a better role model for my girls I have made a life time commitment and life change. I have NEVER felt more alive. I started my life change with walking and doing my bowflex and saw great changes. But soon hit a platue and I gave P90X a try, immediately I was hooked. I had tried others but nothing compares. Tony motivates you to keep pressing play and BRING IT!! I am 38 and I am in the best shape of my life! I still have some to loose but with Beachbody I will get there soon!!So far I have lost over 80# and can not even imagine leaving this amazing lifestyle my new image has brought! I now compete in 5K and 10K runs as well as biking adventures and mud and adventure runs. I have feel like I have my youth back and even better!! Come join us!!

Shakeology — My drink of choice!! Check out http://www.TXFitCoach.com for more info!! You will get the same great benefits that I see while drinking it!! Better teeth, hair, nails and energy!!!

Traci Davis ~ Beachbody Fitness Coach!Traci Davis ~ Beachbody Fitness Coach!

Tan Yer Hide & Tone it Too!

Promote Your Page Too



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Summer is getting close!

Need help to get into that bathing suit still?  Well it is your lucky day! NEW LIFESTYLE DIET can and will help!! Even with only a few months left you can get started now and see some or all (depending how much you have to loose) those extra pounds leave your body! The shakes, puddings, protein and snack bars, soups and more!! This diet is easy to follow and you will reach your goals!! NEW LIFESTYLE DIET makes your goals easy to reach! The plans and packages are on the site formulated for men or women! Even a family plan! This is the best thing you can do for your health and body!! For a discount at order time put in “TEAMTKD” and save!

Does your fundraiser Stink??

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Well make it smell better!!

Fundraisers can stink! Well so to say….. What if you could have a fundraiser smell like roses, or leather, or apple pie! The list goes on and on!! With a Scentsy you can make all your fund raising efforts smell better!!

Scentsy… “The Hottest New Thing in Candles” is also the hottest new thing in fundraising. Are you tired of doing the same old fundraisers each year? Why not let Scentsy take care of your fundraising goals for you?

Scentsy fundraisers are perfect for Church Groups, 4-H clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cheerleading Squads, Gymnastic Teams, Youth Sports Teams, Competitive Dance Teams, Pre-Schools, Day Care Centers, School and Marching Bands, Booster Clubs, Drill Teams and many other clubs, schools, community groups and organizations. Basically every organization that you can think of who could use a little extra help throughout the year.

If you are needing a “fresh smell” in your fundraiser be sure to contact www.GrabScents.com – Stacy will be glad to help you!

Two Types of Fundraisers

Fairs and Special Events – You can have a fundraiser at your organization during a fair or special event by simply setting up a table with some catalogs and order forms. You just take orders from participants and at the end of the fair Stacy will collect the order forms and get the products ordered ordered for you.

Traditional Door to Door – One of the most popular form of fundraiser is the community fundraiser where members of your organization go out into the community and collect orders from family, friends, and neighbors. After approximately 2 weeks of gathering orders, Stacy will collect the order forms and get the products ordered.

Stacy will provide all the materials needed such as, catalogs, order forms, envelopes, and instructions. In both types of fundraisers, you will have help answering any questions or handle any items that may arise.

What Will Your Organization Receive?

You will receive cash in the amount of 25% of all the products sold. Therefore if your fundraiser generates $2000.00 in sales (very easy to achieve), your organization will get a check in the amount of $500.00. Shipping on the products are free and each order will be inventoried, labeled and sorted. They will then be delivered to you individually packaged for all of your customers to pick up and enjoy. Products will be delivered to you approximately 2-3 weeks from the time that the orders are entered into the computer.

So do it now go to www.GrabScents.com and get started now!! You will be glad you did!!


By Traci Davis ~ The Go To Momma!




Gender Differences!

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Why Don’t You Understand!

You already know men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Yet, knowing this doesn’t prevent you and your partner from hurting each other with your miscommunication.Anger and relationship problems can arise from gender communication differences.More than 60% of relationship problems and gender issues result from gender communication differences (couples not understanding each other’s language.)

This book, the world’s first gender relationship dictionary, translates more than 70 words and phrases you regularly use that have very different meanings for your partner due to those gender communication differences. Understanding the real meaning of these words, as used in Male-ese and Female-ese, will rescue you and your partner from frustrating bickering and painful arguments. At last your good intentions will be heard!

If you are having issues with marriage this is the book! Communication is the key to marriage! Wow is it ever!! All marriages have issues from time to time some survive and others do not! We all want them to survive! If you need a little help and but don not have the cash for professional help this book is a good place to turn! Be sure to check out Dr. Karen Gail Lewis‘ site for more info. This book is a fast read and easy to follow!

Review by Traci Davis – Author of The Momma Guide



Money, Money, Money!!!

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Move over Dave Ramsey!!

There is a new book in town!! The Secret Language of Money is a great book!! This book is filled with great tips and ideas to help anyone.

Money is so simple—yet at the same time so complicated—because it operates in our lives in ways that are emotional, unspoken, and unconscious.

Money can make any statement and carry any message. Money says whatever you tell it to. The wonder of money is that it can represent anything. It’s a stand-in for what we idealize and desire, yet fear and lack, for what we covet, crave, spurn, chase, or follow. We use money to show how much we care—or how little. We use it to measure success and buy happiness—or try to. We use it to bolster our self-esteem. We use money to communicate. Money language mirrors the unspoken self. Yet much of what we express with money remains outside awareness.

Everyone has a money story—a money autobiography with a plot, storylines, conflicts, and strivings. Every important relationship, including money, has its own history, develops its own story, and evolves its own language. Even though we talk about money regularly, think about it daily, we may not know how to clearly and simply tell our money stories to ourselves to see what needs to change.

A secret language becomes most developed by emotionally powerful desires. A desire is not quieted by its satisfaction; filling them can create desires. Money is the legal tender of desires. Money becomes the inkblot of the Rorschach test: when our eyes look straight at it, there is only a design on paper. But when offered the chance to imbue the design with meeting, the interpretations will be as wishful and varied as the fantasies of the respondents.

Fortunately, we can learn to decode the secret language of money, enabling us to both achieve greater wealth and derive greater happiness from the money we have. The Secret Language of Moneycombines two decades of clinical psychiatric and psychoanalytic practice, and most recently a decade of professional executive coaching with ground breaking research in psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics to mentor readers to consciously and strategically direct their own money decisions.

The book is a step-by-step operating manual that will make the reader fluent in the secret language of money. It will illuminate money narratives and mentor rewriting an informed, strategic, and successful money story. That money story permeates every aspect of our lives, and is one that consciously or not, we will teach our children.

Are you looking to learn more to save your financial future then for sure buy this book and do not just leave it on the shelf READ it!! Check out David Krueger’s site!

If you like the book, there is an extension and application of it:  Your New Money Story®: ROADMAP for Money Mastery Seminar Series on 5 CDs + Workbook  It’s also available digitally–as mp3 downloads + pdf of the Workbook. Be sure to check it out, you will be glad you did!

Review by Traci Davis ~ The Go To Momma!!